Tom Morgan 's Recent Stories

Theft or boondoggle?

Her idea sounds so obnoxious I felt it deserved a second column. You maybe read last week’s column. About Hillary’s remarks ..

Creeping toward your money

Suppose you own a business. You invest, take risks. You labor. You make handsome profits. And now a politician walks into ..

Self-destruct gene

“This is working so well. Let’s do away with it.” That is a message I hear all too often. In one ..

Who is minding the store?

“We at the Obsession Clinic clinic would like to welcome our latest patients: Sen. Clinton, Sen. Obama, Gov. Richardson. Would ..

A nation of experts

Here’s one thing Americans can boast about. Everybody is an expert here. Look at the Iraq situation, for instance. We are ..

Unbelievable efficiencies

How about we start a business today. This very hour. We should have our first sales by this evening. Sure it ..

A rhinoceros powdering her horn in the bathroom

We are not going to talk about God and war. That, apparently, is the attitude and policy of many of our ..

Windmills and rutabagas

Why is it that so many windmills get planted where rich people don’t live? That is, in fact, where most of ..

A true emergency program

Imagine one drug that would kill that headache. And fix your upset tummy. And help your breathing. And fill your ..

The better result

This question never goes away. People wrestle with it. They win and lose fortunes according to how they handle it. I ..

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The Unraveling

Merely Being Realistic
Merely being realistic

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Skeletons in the closet

Some Random Thoughts
Some Random Thoughts

Burn The Briefing Books
Burn the briefing books

Experienced, Gutsy Americans
Experienced, gutsy Americans

A Comedy Routine
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What Right-to-Work Really Means
What Right-to-Work really means

So Where Are We?
So where are we?

Missing Leadership?
Missing leadership?