Tom Morgan 's Recent Stories

To whom does law apply?

Law? Law is for them. Not us. It is easy to run across this kind of thinking. Just hang ..

Sanctuary of lawlessness

President Obama has announced the government will allow several new "sanctuary cities". It will refuse to enforce some laws these ..

Climate make believe

Many of our leaders love to play make-believe when it comes to climate change. First, they tell us we are pretty ..

Dangers of power

Regarding President Obama and Mt. McKinley. The men who wrote the Constitution would toss in the towel. “There he goes ..

Trump is nothing new

What Trump is doing for the moment is nothing new. We have seen it throughout history. In business. In warfare. ..

Facts on illegal immigration

Some day people will look back on Donald Trump’s campaign and admit a few things. Like the obvious ain’t always ..

Demagogues and capitalism

The daggers are out for Donald Trump and Carly Fiorina. Because he took four of his countless ventures bankrupt. And ..

America can roar again

Something most people ignore. Yet it will impact your life in countless ways. It will change the destiny of your ..

Imagine Trump in the White House

Donald Trump's situation reminds me of a funny short story I read many years ago. (If you know it or ..

Why don’t we apologize?

This Trump predicament over John McCain’s heroism. It reminds me of one of the strongest forces in human nature. It ..

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An Economics Lesson
An economics lesson

Entering Ho-Hum Land Again
Entering Ho-Hum Land again

Nitpicking The Immigration Bill
Nitpicking the immigration bill

You’ve Been “Goffed”!
You’ve been “Goffed”!

Governed By Elitists
Governed by elitists


One Of Us
One Of Us

Another Conspiracy?
Another conspiracy?

Freedom House Or U.N.
Freedom House or U.N.

A Different Sort Of Name
A different sort of name