Steven and Cokie Roberts 's Recent Stories

The hypocrisy factor

An old adage called “Miles’ Law” reads: Where you stand depends on where you sit. That’s a mild way of ..

The cooling abortion debate

Often a speech is significant for what it leaves out. In his State of the Union address, President Bush never ..

The crowded media marketplace

President Bush has been selling his new Iraq strategy in all the traditional ways: A solemn prime-time speech from the ..

Scenes from the season

It's been a long two weeks around the Roberts household. Since we're a Jewish-Catholic couple we celebrate both traditions, and ..

The Hillary and Barack show

Here’s the problem the Democrats face: They know too much about Hillary Clinton and not enough about Barack Obama. Clinton ..

Stop attacking the press

When the new Congress convenes next month, it should pass a Federal shield law enabling journalists to protect their secret ..

Look for the foreign label

A TV commercial 20 years ago, urging shoppers to buy American-made clothing, contained the memorable refrain: “Look for the union ..

Five rules for presidential politics

It didn’t take long. Within hours after this year’s voting had ended, at least four presidential aspirants – Republicans John ..

The vital ‘dynamic center’

Which George Bush will show up in January? The president who worked with Democrats as governor of Texas and during ..

The Devil made me do it

“It’s his responsibility and he accepts it.” Those words were spoken by the lawyer for Lester Crawford, the former head of ..

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Romney’s Trust Problem
Romney’s trust problem

The Vital ‘dynamic Center’
The vital ‘dynamic center’

Surviving The Media Primary
Surviving the media primary

The Perils Of Moderation
The perils of moderation

Here’s To The Ladies Who Lunch
Here’s to the ladies who lunch

Open The Gate For The Next Gates
Open the gate for the next Gates

The President And The Pontiff
The president and the pontiff

June Dreams, November Realities
June dreams, November realities

Rudy’s New Best Friend
Rudy’s new best friend

Fixing Fox News – And The GOP
Fixing Fox News – and the GOP