Steven and Cokie Roberts 's Recent Stories

Smart, not soft, on crime

"In this time of increased political polarization," writes Bill Clinton, "there is one area where we have a genuine chance ..

Obama the trade salesman

President Obama faces a big selling job: pushing massive trade deals, now nearing conclusion with Asia and Europe, through a ..

Hillary’s ‘47 percent’ problem

As Hillary Clinton starts her second run for the presidency, one statistic stands out: 47 percent. Mitt Romney made that number ..

Inviting struggle, sharing power

The relationship between the White House and Congress on foreign policy has often been called "an invitation to struggle." The ..

Cracking the new media code

YOLO! That's slang for "You only live once," and the phrase was popularized by the rapper Drake in his 2011 hit ..

Welcome to the media primary

On a single day -- exactly a year before the Iowa caucuses -- look what happened to two Republican presidential ..

Give workers a raise

American workers need a raise, and there's one simple way to boost incomes at the lower end of the pay ..

Getting things done

Which Republican party will show up on Capitol Hill in January, when the GOP assumes control of the Senate? Will it ..

Sometimes government is essential

Two years ago, President Obama was striding the beaches of New Jersey and spearheading the federal response to the damage ..

The Democrats’ secret weapon

Bill Clinton campaigned in Arkansas this week, focusing on college campuses and urging students to support candidates like Mark Pryor, ..

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Politics can wait, family can’t

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Is Obama one of us?

Good Newt, Bad Newt
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