Jim Mullen 's Recent Stories

State Fair proves if you can dream it, you can fry it

I just got back from the state fair. You could tell it was the last day because people were winning ..

The Wedding Planner

I just got back from a May-December wedding — the bride looked like she was born last May; the groom, ..

2012 Olympics: Beach volleyball blowout

Once every four years, I’m in the mood to watch a little discus, a little javelin throw, some long jump, ..

Crying ‘foul’ over ballpark proposals

Almost every day you see a news story about a guy who painted a marriage proposal on a billboard next ..

College loans and job-search groans

Where did all the good, high-paying jobs for B.A.’s in English Lit go all of a sudden? Four years of ..

Buzzing is the sound of time flying

People naturally worry about their memory as they get older. “Oh, I can’t remember where I put my reading glasses. ..

Too much of anything can get annoying

Remember a few years ago when term limits were all the rage? The idea was that every few election cycles, ..

Five billionth in line for the throne

“Count Lipschitz is on the phone,” Sue yelled. There was an unsaid “again” in her voice. He is becoming a ..

Warning! This article may cause drowsiness

Most of the prescriptions I have ever gotten warn me not to drive, operate heavy equipment or use a chainsaw ..

The male and email of the species

Every week, it seems, social scientists find another way in which we divide ourselves into groups. There’s the Generation Gap, ..

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Rolling Stoned

Something’s Cooking At The CIA
Something’s cooking at the CIA

A Man’s Car Is His Castle
A man’s car is his castle

You Say Magenta, I Say Vermillion
You say magenta, I say vermillion

E-Readin’,  E-Writin’ And E-Rithmatic
e-Readin’, e-Writin’ and e-Rithmatic

Musings On The Mutability Of Time
Musings on the mutability of time

Buzzing Is The Sound Of Time Flying
Buzzing is the sound of time flying

Snooki: You Have To Work To Be A Celebrity
Snooki: You have to work to be a celebrity

A Wail On Two Cities
A wail on two cities

The $800 Apple
The $800 apple