Jim Mullen 's Recent Stories

Sleep tight, don’t let the Westin bite

“They Came in the Night to Suck Your Blood!” No. It’s not the latest episode of “True Blood,” it’s just ..


I’m starting to wonder how much of Apple’s business comes from gadgets that are lost, accidentally laundered to death or ..

Diary of a mad flight attendant

I’ve had to deal with roaring drunks, tantrum-throwing children, marriage-ending screaming matches and gross-out, rent-a-room reconciliations, all at 30,000 feet. ..

Photos of a picture-perfect royal family

England’s royal family announced they have started a Flickr account, which means they can now share their baby pictures and ..

Dressed for excess

Sue and I stopped at an interstate rest stop last week and – no surprise in the middle of the ..

The flavors that we savor

My brother-in-law and I both said all the things you’re supposed to say when you’re about to eat a meal ..

Expert tease

Paul, the Genius German Octopus correctly picked the last eight winners of the recent World Cup soccer finals. I am ..

The mysteries of Jersey

A Russian spy ring was arrested in suburban New Jersey a few weeks ago, and the CIA is still trying ..

Socialist networking

I just got back from infiltrating a Socialist meeting. Their meeting hall was almost full, and I have it on ..

‘You are a toilet, where am I?’

Can you say “Why don’t they learn to speak English if they want to live here?” in Spanish? In Italian? ..

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My Plain, Old Vanilla Ice-cream Life
My plain, old vanilla ice-cream life

Watch My Purse While I’m In The Men’s Room
Watch my purse while I’m in the men’s room

Do These Glasses Make My Gut Look Big?
Do these glasses make my gut look big?

A Horse Is Of Course A Car Of Course ...
A horse is of course a car of course ...

Food Fight!
Food fight!

Mo’ Government, Mo’ Problems
Mo’ government, mo’ problems

The Gift Of Nothing Is The Biggest Gift Of All
The gift of nothing is the biggest gift of all

College Loans And Job-search Groans
College loans and job-search groans

Perplexing Problems Of The Rich & Famous
Perplexing problems of the rich & famous

Equal Pay For Equal Work
Equal pay for equal work