Jim Mullen 's Recent Stories

Money-making ideas on the fly

I don’t know why it’s taken so long but based on a recent trip I took (first piece of luggage ..

Chain of fools

Do not throw this letter away. Todd B. of Chillicothe, Ohio, thought chain mail was something nerds wore at Renaissance ..

And the Oscar goes to ... Steve Levy

They say over a billion people will watch the Academy Awards this year. Which is why it’s so sad that ..

You’ve been superpoked by the U.S. gov’t

Soon you’re going to get your 2010 census form in the mail. Some people are upset about it, claiming that ..

Cats vs. dogs, work vs. leisure

Remember when they used to tell you not to sit too close to the TV screen? I’m typing this on ..

e-Readin’, e-Writin’ and e-Rithmatic

Roger, like a lot of people this year, got a Kindle for Christmas. For those of you who came in ..

Don’t bring food to the dinner table

I don’t know if it’s an ironclad rule, but I’ve always heard it is considered impolite to talk about religion, ..

A pose by any other name

If you’re a school teacher or an employer, it will come as no surprise that many parents are naming their ..

Warning: Column contains 2010 spoilers

I just got my crystal ball back from the cleaners and have looked deep into the coming year. While not ..

Think about direction, wonder why...

Sue tells people that I am directionally challenged. She tells the story of the time I got lost between the ..

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Taste never takes a vacation

Harry Potter And The Magical Numbers
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Throwing A Fit
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Warning: Column Contains 2010 Spoilers
Warning: Column contains 2010 spoilers

Indigo Child Has Me Seeing Red
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Ear today, gone tomorrow

Workaholic? I’m No Longer The Type
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Do I have spring fever or a busted thermostat?