Jim Mullen 's Recent Stories

No more cam’pain’ ads!

One of the great things about the recent election is that we won’t have to see another political commercial for ..

Sorry, I don’t watch TV

I live next door to the most annoying couple in the world. You may have neighbors you don’t get along ..

Foreign lands where the dollar still rules

The parking lots of the big discount stores have been getting more and more crowded since the economy went over ..

Howie Mandel would liven up a boring presidential debate

The verdict by all the TV pundits about the last presidential debate was unanimous. It was boring. Unlike, say, those ..

When can we play the blame game?

“This is not the time to play the blame game,” I hear a lot of politicians talk about the financial ..

‘Ladies and gentlemen, your Powerball losers’

I flipped through the morning TV shows last week, and I didn’t know who any of their “famous” guests were. ..

Why can’t the government be run like business?

Sometimes, when I’m waiting in line at the grocery store for a price check on a box of Ramen noodles ..

It’s time for atomic clocks everywhere

I got a satellite clock for my birthday a few years ago. Sometimes they’re advertised as “Atomic Clocks,” but since ..

I’m gray and I’m proud

My hair is so gray it makes thunder clouds look bright and cheery. Being gray doesn’t bother me. After all, ..

Who will ever forget ...

Wouldn’t you be surprised if, in the middle of the World Series, the announcers cut away to do a five-minute ..

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Ear today, gone tomorrow

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