Jim Mullen 's Recent Stories

‘Messy’ modern non-problems

I just read a review of the latest update of iTunes where the writer complained that he thought it ..

A dog’s worst friend

You've probably heard it said that humans are the only animals that can laugh. I say humans are the only ..

How to make a 20-minute meal in just three hours

I have a weakness for cooking shows. I love the way TV chefs can whip up a gourmet meal from ..

President Trump: A retrospective

Donald Trump was born in a 300-room log cabin in Trumptown (formerly known as Queens), New York in 1946 and ..

The downside of downsizing

It's time for us to start thinking of moving into a smaller house -- a house with only one level, ..

Bargaining rights (and wrongs)

I saw on the news that the euro is down compared to the dollar. "Europe," they said, "is on sale. ..

Dear sir or madam

I just spent two hours writing a letter on my computer that would have taken me a minute and a ..

One bad turn deserves another

My plane is leaving in 20 minutes, and I'm still on the freeway, 20 miles outside of town. Even if ..

The heartache of male fatigue syndrome

"You've got all the symptoms," Sue said. "The symptoms of what?" I asked. "MFS." "MFS? I feel fine." "Sure, you feel fine now, but ..

“CSI: Mayberry,” maybe

With shows set in Las Vegas, Miami and New York, how long can it be before there's a "CSI: Phoenix" ..

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Foreign Lands Where The Dollar Still Rules
Foreign lands where the dollar still rules

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Meryl Streep is a pussycat

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Warning: Gym may be hazardous to your health

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