Sen. James Seward 's Recent Stories

Failures of the new leadership

After three weeks of inactivity, high theater and political dueling, the state senate has finally resumed the people’s business.  By ..

Time is now for real reform

Recent events in Albany have sparked a new day of reform that will mean a great deal for the residents ..

Keep drug dealers out of schools

Each day when parents send their children off to school they worry about many things.  Do they have their lunch?  ..

New year starts with new laws

Increasing safety on New York’s highways, assisting volunteer firefighters and ambulance workers in obtaining health insurance, expanding net metering allowances ..

Be concerned about meth

Do you know that the fastest-rising drug problem in the country is methamphetamines, or “meth” ? It is a highly ..

Property tax still heart of the issue

I have received a volume of mail recently concerning rising assessments, community revaluations, and the effect of inflated home assessments ..

In Albany: Sen. James Seward

New York’s economy needs help. You don’t need a degree in economics to know that our upstate economy lags the ..

Senate passes state budget

April 1 means the traditional first day of trout season – and it also means time for a state budget. The ..

How to boost business growth

How does New York help businesses grow and prosper this new year and in the future? The best answer is ..

New laws to save taxpayers money

Tax credits and reductions that will save New York families and businesses almost $1 billion, an increase in the minimum ..

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More From Sen. James Seward

Targeting Medicaid Fraud
Targeting Medicaid fraud

Protecting Children In Government Care
Protecting children in government care

Getting A Handle On State Debt
Getting a handle on state debt

Be Concerned About Meth
Be concerned about meth

How Secure Is Our Homeland?
How secure is our homeland?

Not So Fast On Granting Bail
Not so fast on granting bail

Action Continues In Battle Against Covid-19
Action continues in battle against covid-19

New Year Starts With New Laws
New year starts with new laws

Calling All Purple Heart Recipients
Calling all Purple Heart recipients

One For The Road Gets A Trooper For A Chaser
One for the road gets a trooper for a chaser