Todd Campbell 's Recent Stories

DVD Patrol: Stephen King

There are writers out there who are able to write all types of emotions and feelings into their work that ..

DVD Patrol

Are you scared, Patrollers? On our trip for this week, the DVD Patrol has taken the chance to bring some ..

DVD Patrol - A tribute to Stephen J. Cannell

Everyone has different types of heroes. Everything from authors who write books and sports figures to the ones in literature ..

DVD Patrol

Let’s change things up, Patrollers! The DVD Patrol has been driving down the highway watching the leaves change color and ..

DVD Patrol: Salute to Michael Douglas

There has been a lot of press lately within the show business community doing what they can in the fight ..

DVD Patrol

We’re Falling at the Patrol, people! The DVD Patrol gang has been enjoying the nice fall weather and your man ..

DVD Patrol

Time to play, Patrollers! The DVD Patrol has gotten into full Sports mode with football and everything else getting started ..

DVD Patrol

Let’s not work too hard, Patrollers! The DVD Patrol has been recovering from the long Labor Day weekend and we’ve ..

DVD Patrol

It’s always funny when it comes to movies or television shows. In my experience, what everyone likes is always different. ..

DVD Patrol

Don’t wipe out, Patrollers! The DVD Patrol is having one of those weeks we like to call our first Channel ..

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DVD Patrol

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DVD Patrol

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DVD Patrol

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DVD Patrol

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DVD Patrol

DVD Patrol
DVD Patrol