Maggie Shayne 's Recent Stories

Shayne on You

Dear Maggie, I’ve just launched a brand new advice column in a small town-city daily paper. As I’ve gone around promoting ..

Shayne on You

Editor’s Note: Chenango County’s favorite best-selling author Maggie Shayne joins the ranks of Evening Sun contributors this week with an ..

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Shayne on You: Choosing to beat the winter blahs

Shayne On You: Guess Who's Not Coming To Dinner?
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Shayne On You: Making Nice With Man's Best Friend
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Shayne On You: Stop Trying To Run Mom's Life
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Shayne On You: Staying Positive Despite Others' Unhappiness
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Shayne On You: Only You Can Find The True Path To God
Shayne on You: Only you can find the true path to God

Shayne On You: Trust That The Universe Will Provide
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Shayne On You: Wedded Bliss Or Highway To Hell?
Shayne on You: Wedded bliss or Highway to Hell?