Melissa Stagnaro 's Recent Stories

Norwich school board: Going paperless would save money and trees

NORWICH – The Norwich school district could cut more than $4,000 from next year’s budget if the school board went ..

Norwich teens take to quilting for a good cause

NORWICH – Most teenagers don’t know much about batting, basting, binding, piecing and stitching a quarter inch seam. At least ..

Celebrity cookie auction benefits The Children's Center

The Children’s Center kicked off its annual fundraising campaign Thursday night at the Norwich Fire House. The “Cookies and Cream” ..

Seeds of spring

Perhaps my favorite part of my job is getting a sneak peek at what others do for a living in ..

McDonough Library receives gift for large print books

McDONOUGH – The McDonough Branch Library has received a $500 donation from Jim and Marilyn Palik of Paris, France. According ..

Regents exams snowed out

CHENANGO COUNTY – Otselic Valley students may feel a little left out today. Their school is the only one of ..

Greene’s newest cop receives prestigious award at Academy graduation

GREENE – The Village of Greene’s newest police officer received an unexpected honor when he graduated from the Otsego County ..

Oxford scales back school project

OXFORD – It took a petition signed by more than 600 residents and two public meetings, but Oxford’s school ..

Local celebs “batter up” for a good cause

NORWICH – Local celebrities are dusting off their cookie sheets, tying on their aprons and stepping up to their batter ..

Keeping traditions alive, and making new ones, in Greene

GREENE – Wondering what sets Greene apart from other municipalities in Upstate New York? You need look no further than ..

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Schumer Says Agro Farma Project Contingent On Federal, State Incentives
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Judge dismisses 77 of 116 charges in Pomeranian case

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Traveling Art Exhibit Stops At Oxford Vets’ Home
Traveling art exhibit stops at Oxford Vets’ Home