Melissa Stagnaro 's Recent Stories

New year, new union heads at Norwich City Schools

NORWICH – As Norwich prepares to usher in the start of yet another school year, changes will no doubt be ..

Board approves superintendent’s contract extension

NORWICH – Superintendent Gerard O’Sullivan will remain with the Norwich school district for four more years, according to the terms ..

Doyle receives citation

HORSEHEADS – A man who has worked tirelessly for his town for much of the last two decades has received ..

A glimmer in Schlimmer

There is no doubt that the invention of the printing press was a significant event in mankind’s history. Previously manuscripts ..

FEMA: Chenango damage estimates top $600,000

CHENANGO COUNTY – Local, state and federal emergency management officials now estimate that more than $600,000 worth of damage was ..

Local band leads off fairground festivities on Friday

NORWICH – Search as you might, you’ll be hard pressed to find much information on Thistle Dew, one of the ..

Reversing the “bright flight” which is draining NY of its best and brightest

NORWICH – Despite having the highest concentration of college students in the country, Central New York is experiencing an unprecedented ..

Move in day for Guilford town hall

GUILFORD – Despite the posted notice that the Guilford town clerk’s office will be closed this week, there was still ..

Winsor gets raise for filling in as Guilford supervisor

GUILFORD – Guilford’s deputy supervisor will receive an additional $350 a month over and above his pay as councilman for ..

Bikers rev up fundraising efforts for Y scholarship fund

NORWICH – This Sunday, the American Legion Riders from the Lt. Warren Eaton American Legion Post 189 in Norwich will ..

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“Friends” Exhibit Returns To Norwich
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Oxford Begins Refining Latest Capital Project Proposal
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BOCES Expands Adult Ed Program Into Eaton Center
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Greene Breaks Ground On $36.1 Million Capital Project
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Delivering Christmas – Greene Clothing Bank
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