Melissa Stagnaro 's Recent Stories

Oxford board extends Squier's contract, despite community concerns

OXFORD – Many of those who attended Oxford’s last board of education meeting were under the impression they’d tabled two ..

Local pilots share their love of flying by giving free flights to kids

NORWICH – Four local pilots volunteered their time on Saturday to give free flights to more than 70 local children ..

Town board decides against annual assessment

COVENTRY – Coventry officials decided this week to abandon efforts to adopt an annual real property assessment process after the town ..

Mother Earth Indian festival this weekend

GREENE – The 4th Annual Mother Earth Indian Festival will take place from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and ..

Greene breaks ground on $36.1 million capital project

GREENE – Contractors have broken ground on the Greene Central School’s $36.1 million dollar capital improvement project which will overhaul ..

Leading by example

I’ve done a lot of contemplation on what it truly means to be a leader over the last few days. ..

Local businesses could lose tax credits due to Empire Zone changes

NORWICH Changes made to New York State’s Empire Zone program in this year’s state budget could jeopardize the recertification ..

Organizer defends and explains controversial leadership program

NORWICH – The growing controversy over the pilot leadership training and character development program he has been working on for ..

Poverty in our schools

I have a hard time hearing about any child going without what we as Americans consider the necessities of life. ..

Controversy, public outrage over NHS leadership retreat

NORWICH – A leadership retreat for a select group of Norwich High School students has sparked outrage in the community ..

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2nd Annual Brody/Mason Fund Golf Tournament Approaches
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