Melissa Stagnaro 's Recent Stories

Oxford native moves home to find job in tough economy

OXFORD – An unexpected layoff sent an Oxford Academy graduate on a six month job search which took him from ..

Norwich residents have a chance to meet school board candidates

NORWICH – Four candidates will be vying for the three board of education seats up for grabs in the Norwich ..

Village board adopts changes to water and sewer rates

GREENE – As of June 1, Greene’s village residents will not only be paying more for their water, but they ..

Norwich budget hearing tonight

NORWICH – Residents of the Norwich City School District will have the opportunity to learn more about the proposed budget ..

Punching the Clock: Spit happens

In the last few years, it seems that small alpaca farms have been cropping up all over our area. My ..

Classic cars cruise in to Greene

GREENE – There is good news for the classic car enthusiasts who flocked to downtown Greene every other Thursday last ..

Greene student group raises money for pediatric cancer research

GREENE – When Greene senior Andrea Myers attended a ‘Girls Take Charge’ leadership workshop last year, she was inspired by ..

Local vets raise money for injured soldiers

NORWICH – This weekend, motorcycle riders will have the chance to take a scenic, hundred-mile ride through Chenango County, and ..

Switch hitting

I guess I was supposed to be surprised by Arlen Specter’s announcement earlier this week that he was eschewing the ..

Local sailor sees action off Somali coast

PHARSALIA – While the world was watching with rapt attention during the recent standoff between a U.S. Navy warship and ..

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Pharmaceutical icon brings winning formula to Norwich

Tree Auction To Raise Money For Greene Historical Society
Tree auction to raise money for Greene Historical Society

Study Gauges Potential Rail Redevelopment
Study gauges potential rail redevelopment

Widespread Flooding Wreaks Havoc In Chenango
Widespread flooding wreaks havoc in Chenango

Greene’s Newest Restaurant Is A Family Affair
Greene’s newest restaurant is a family affair

PROGRESS 2021 – UHS Chenango Memorial Hospital: Investing In The Future Of Health Care While Navigating A Pandemic
PROGRESS 2021 – UHS Chenango Memorial Hospital: Investing in the future of health care while navigating a pandemic

Legion Riders “saddle Up” In Support Of Injured Combat Veterans
Legion Riders “saddle up” in support of injured combat veterans

All In The Name Of Progress
All in the name of Progress

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Soaking it all in