Julian Kappel 's Recent Stories

New Berlin, Columbus say no to ambulance district

NEW BERLIN – A permissive referendum regarding the creation of an ambulance tax district failed to pass in the towns ..

UV struggles with budget woes

NEW BERLIN – With Gov. Cuomo’s proposed budget plan, small schools in need, such as the Unadilla Valley Central School ..

Ward earns Eagle Scout rank

NORWICH – In a ceremony that attracted family members from across the state and scouters of all ages, Bradley Ward ..

Boy Scouts plan Pinewood Derby

NORWICH – The Baden-Powell Boy Scout district will hold its 34th annual pinewood derby at 1 p.m. on March 11 ..

Familiar trails

It never ceases to amaze me how small the world can be, and how especially small the county can be. ..

New Berlin, Columbus to vote on ambulance district Tuesday

NEW BERLIN – There will be a permissive referendum on Jan 24. in the Columbus and New Berlin town ..

Bassett to take over UV school health center

NEW BERLIN – The Unadilla Valley Central School district will re-open the doors to its student health center, this time ..

Ward set to become 10th Eagle Scout in family

NORWICH – Bradley Ward, a local boy scout with Troop 63 in Norwich, is fulfilling more than one legacy ..

Blog strikes up artist dialog

COLUMBUS – Golden Artist Colors has announced the launch of its new blog devoted to promoting dialog about Williamsburg Oil ..

Greene’s village cruise-ins to resume this year after all

GREENE – Fans of the Greene Cruise-In have reason to rejoice this winter as it was announced yesterday that, despite ..

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New Berlin plans banners, solar power

Stewart’s Shop Donates To Village Youth Programs In New Berlin
Stewart’s Shop donates to village youth programs in New Berlin

Scouts Plan Pinewood Derby For March 11
Scouts plan Pinewood Derby for March 11

Spring Cleaning
Spring cleaning

Libous Hears Gas Drilling, Flood Damage Concerns At Town Hall Meeting
Libous hears gas drilling, flood damage concerns at town hall meeting

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A real page-turner

A Very Expensive Year
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New CEO Takes Helm Of Upturn Industries In Bainbridge
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Norwich Elks Mark 100th Anniversary
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Not A Goodbye
Not a goodbye