Julian Kappel 's Recent Stories

Greene plans Hometown Holiday Weekend

GREENE – The Greater Greene Chamber if Commerce will hold its annual Hometown Holiday Weekend beginning at 6 p.m. on ..

Greene extends deadline for flood assistance

GREENE – The Floodfest Greene committee and the Greene Rotary Club, which raised over $17,000 to provide assistance to ..

Oxford looks to fill school board vacancy

OXFORD – The Oxford Academy school board is seeking to appoint a qualified person to fill a vacant position. Following the ..

Greene boy gets to be Mayor for a day

GREENE – Cameron Johnson was chosen to act as Mayor for a Day in the Village of Greene following ..

Oxford hosts visit from state American Legion officers

OXFORD – The Chenango County American Legion celebrated its annual Department Commander’s Visitation dinner Thursday to welcome Commander W. Michael ..

Older than the internet

Yesterday I had the opportunity to chat with a 93-year-old man who lost half of his hearing in World War ..

Oxford to observe National Suicide Survivors Day

OXFORD – National Survivors of Suicide Day will happen in 200 cities around the world Saturday, including a meeting at ..

Learning from a pro ...

OXFORD – Every so often, two individuals come together in order to accomplish something amazing. For 93-year-old Joe Renton, that something ..

Milford Academy, New Berlin kids enjoy Punt, Pass and Kick

NEW BERLIN – The Punt, Pass and Kick competition sponsored by the Village and Milford Academy drew 32 participants Saturday ..

Oxford Library announces new Story Time program

OXFORD – The Oxford Memorial Library will begin a new program designed for pre-schoolers and toddlers at 10 a.m. on ..

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Car Museum unveils new exhibit, celebrates 15th anniversary

‘Master Thieves’ Nominated For Blues Award; Play At Blarney Stone Saturday
‘Master Thieves’ nominated for Blues award; play at Blarney Stone Saturday

Celebritate Mortem
Celebritate mortem

Three Oxford Students Receive $10,000 Scholarships
Three Oxford students receive $10,000 scholarships

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B-G scout collects flags in tri-town area

Weekend Events Commemorate Civil War Anniversary
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Wolf Mountain Nature Center To Hold Birthday Party For Tenants
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