Shawn Magrath 's Recent Stories

Mild winter saves McDonough money, but road challenges loom

McDONOUGH – The Town of McDonough is off to a good start for taxpayers in 2012, thanks in part to ..

Restaurateur’s one-woman operation on track to success

NORWICH – For the last two years, The Caboose Restaurant has been serving homemade food for breakfast and lunch in ..

Norwich's new barber has old-time flair

NORWICH – Those in need of a little off the top have one more option now that the Cutting Edge ..

How would minimum wage increase impact locally?

NORWICH – In response to Democrat Assemblyman Sheldon Silver’s proposal to increase New York State minimum wage from $7.25 per ..

Car Museum hosts Super Bowl Sunday promotion

NORWICH – On a day that’s all about football, classic car enthusiasts will also have reason to get out on ..

Unison's future riding high on demand for airplane parts

NORWICH – On Monday, GE Aviation announced that it has received a record-breaking number of order commitments from different engine ..

BOCES project converts campus cop car to natural gas

NORWICH – Students in the DCMO BOCES Career and Technical Education Programs are exploring the use of alternative energy resources ..

Chenango Valley Home to expand

NORWICH – Chenango Valley Home and Apartments is ironing out some of the details before starting construction of a new ..

City ice rink vandalized

NORWICH – On top of this year’s warmer temperatures and unfavorable weather for the ice rink, acts of vandalism forced ..

S-E senior earns recognition for Reality Check work

SHERBURNE – Sherburne-Earlville High School Senior Megan Rogers is taking an active role in the community by addressing the concerns ..

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Sherburne-Earlville Student To Step-off In Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade
Sherburne-Earlville student to step-off in Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

Fair Weekend Ahead: 165th Chenango County Fair Continues Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Fair weekend ahead: 165th Chenango County Fair continues Friday, Saturday, Sunday

NFD Suggests Purchase Of New Ladder Truck
NFD suggests purchase of new ladder truck

Grow, Cook, Eat Program Shows The Value Of A Healthy Lifestyle
Grow, Cook, Eat program shows the value of a healthy lifestyle

New Berlin Gains New Supervisor; Little Change Comes To Oxford And Other Townships
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Sheriff's Office Lands State Funding For Car Seat Program
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Big Name In Christian Music To Play Local Venue
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Arts Council Debuts Members’ Exhibit Tonight
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