Shawn Magrath 's Recent Stories

Santa Claus is coming to town

NORWICH – Santa will have a new view from East Park this year as his Norwich igloo has moved closer ..

A Thanksgiving feast for all

NORWICH – While many travel or prepare a yearly dinner tradition this Thanksgiving, volunteers at the Emmanuel Episcopal Church will ..

City sells house for rehab

NORWICH – The city has obtained a number of residential and commercial properties through tax foreclosure in recent years and ..

Guernsey Library embarks on adult literacy program

NORWICH – The Guernsey Memorial Library, in conjunction with Literacy Volunteers of Chenango County, will soon be hosting a state-funded ..

United Way puts focus on educational goals

NORWICH – As part of an effort to reduce the national dropout rate, the Chenango County United Way is examining ..

It's time for the Turkey Trot!

NORWICH – Though running might not be what many people associate with the holiday season, hundreds of local runners are ..

It's time to stop smoking

NORWICH – Today marks the American Cancer Society’s 36th Great American Smokeout – a day which not only recognizes the ..

Holy Family kids collect 'Dimes for Diabetes'

NORWICH – Throughout November, Kelly Law, an elementary school teacher at Holy Family, is teaching her classes the importance of ..

SPCA renews contract with city, gets ready for 'Woofstock'

NORWICH – The Chenango County SPCA recently renewed its animal shelter services agreement with the City of Norwich for 2012 ..

New floor for Borden Ave. skating rink

NORWICH – Love it or loathe it, the time for winter recreation is right around the corner and in preparation, ..

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