Josh Sheldon 's Recent Stories

Sweaty apples are best

Rewards reaped by hard work and preparation always taste more sweet. The only way to make the experience better, is ..

Floating the Chenango for fins and feathers

This past week, I finally took a day off and got in some hunting and fishing. I always enjoy the ..

Stack the deck for deer

Deer are a lot more in tune with the outdoors than we could ever wish to be. They seem to ..

I believe I’ve been infringed upon

It’s never nice to be infringed upon in any way and is often quite an annoyance. Although, when the infringement ..

If asked to take a hike, I recommend doing so

Considering the fact that our state has thousands of miles of public hiking trails, you can’t make the claim that ..

Whack, hack and carpet bomb your hunting area

It’s that time of year again, where we hunters wage war on our woods, fields, and brush lots. Management of ..

Three strikes and the turkeys are out

There has been a lot of talk amongst local hunters about recent changes being made across the state that reduce ..

This redneck hillbilly knows guns and alcohol don’t mix

Sometimes in life you will be met with adversity and may even be discriminated against. Confining any group into a ..

Elite retriever training with Pat Burns

Most think a dog is trained when it is able to sit, shake, play dead, or speak. This is typically ..

Shoot or not to shoot, that is the question

Although shooting related injuries are majorly outweighed by walking injuries, there still needs to be some form of safety measures ..

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The Most Common Mistakes For Bow Hunters
The most common mistakes for bow hunters

Flashbacks In The Field, Part Two
Flashbacks in the field, part two

Beat The Cold To Bag A Late-season Buck
Beat the cold to bag a late-season buck

Fish Don’t See Color
Fish don’t see color

What’s In A Name
What’s in a name

Good Parents Protect The Pack
Good parents protect the pack

Grab Your Kids And Poles, It’s Time To Fish
Grab your kids and poles, it’s time to fish

Everyone Pack Your Gear, It’s Camping Season
Everyone pack your gear, it’s camping season

Low Tide Trout Can Be Tough
Low tide trout can be tough

Outdoors:  Real Dads Don’t Hunt
Outdoors: Real dads don’t hunt