Brittany Grove 's Recent Stories

Local business supports local women with breast cancer

NORWICH — Mother and son small business owners are showing appreciation by giving back to the community and raising breast ..

NPD officers graduate from police academy

BINGHAMTON — The Norwich City Police Department proudly announce the graduation of two new police officers from the Broome County ..

Chenango residents want to know: where do recyclables go?

CHENANGO COUNTY — New Berlin residents have voiced concerns about what happens to their recyclables after they are picked up ..

First ADA steps up to become Support Magistrate

CHENANGO COUNTY — Chenango County’s First Assistant District Attorney Stephen M. Dunshee is resigning from his position at the DA’s ..

Couple starts folk band to support newborn

OXFORD — A traveling musical duo has settled down in Oxford and promises to “folk” things up for the locals ..

Oneonta mayor’s death confirmed a suicide

ONEONTA — City of Oneonta Mayor Richard died from a self-inflicted gun shot wound to the head on Sat., Oct. ..

Local professional dance company celebrates 10 years

NORWICH — Ten years ago, two local dancers with a passion for teaching and artistic expression brought big city culture ..

Arrow Laundry proud of switch to chemical-free cleaning

NORWICH — Clothes do not have to be laced with a toxic chemical residue or permanently stained with a solvent ..

Couple arraigned following domestic dispute, stabbing

NORWICH — Jessica Lennox, 21, of Norwich was arraigned on Tuesday for allegedly stabbing her boyfriend in front of the ..

Harpeth Rising set to play show to benefit Oxford School

OXFORD – Harpeth Rising is an unapologetic, genre-bending trio of women who fuse folk, newgrass, rock and classical music ..

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Village of New Berlin gearing up for holiday season

Local Business Supports  Local Women With Breast Cancer
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