Joe Angelino 's Recent Stories

A vote for the Status Quo-mo

As an official in the Executive Branch of the government all my adult life, in law enforcement and the Marines, ..

The end of the American sedan

Last week the Ford Motor Company announced they will stop manufacturing their entire car line, except for the Mustang. While ..

Executive decision for a left turn

Monday March 19, 2018 Cynthia Nixon, a New York City actress and activist for many causes, announced her intention to ..

Legal sports betting coming our way

Today we are going to learn about the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act of 1992 (P&ASPA) which ..

Baseball, finally!

In spite of the woodchuck from Punxsutawney and no matter how much snow the weatherman predicts in his April forecast, ..

The chips may be down for upstate casinos

I’m shocked, shocked to learn casinos in upstate New York State aren’t meeting their revenue predictions. Some of you may ..

An important relic from the 18th century

Last Saturday morning I made the trek to the parks in downtown Norwich for the “March for our Lives”, and ..

A tip for the Governor: Leave the food service alone

“Always be extra nice to nurses and waitresses, because they take care of you when you’re at your worst: either ..

NYC caught exporting people, and more

Late last week a long time hunch turned out very accurate. For many years upstate law enforcement officers, and some ..

We need another Johnny Carson

When I was about 12 years old, maybe younger, my parents allowed me to stay up late to watch Johnny ..

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More From Joe Angelino

Investing In Our Law Enforcement Officers
Investing in our law enforcement officers

A Police Officer For Every School
A police officer for every school

Return Of The Military Draft Might Be What We Need
Return of the military draft might be what we need

Safety, Fun, Marksmanship, In That Order
Safety, fun, marksmanship, in that order

Baseball, Finally!
Baseball, finally!

POTUS Versus The Press
POTUS versus the Press

College Isn’t For Everyone
College isn’t for everyone

Reflections On Our Declaration Of Independence
Reflections on our Declaration of Independence

A Look At Some Local Election Campaigns
A look at some local election campaigns

Psst, Hey Buddy, Ya Got 6 Billion You Can Spare
Psst, hey buddy, ya got 6 billion you can spare