Jill Kraft 's Recent Stories

Back to School: Some staff, teachers head back without a contract

CHENANGO COUNTY – Feeling a sense of equality among their counterparts is just one topic local school employees say is ..

Chenango Stories: Lisa Iannello

Having moved around some of the bigger cities in upstate New York, this local artist says it’s great to be ..

New Berlin celebrates a soggy Youth Days

NEW BERLIN – Despite Mother Nature literally putting a damper on the weekend events at the annual Youth Days celebration ..

New Berlin celebrates its bicentennial along with Youth Days this weekend

NEW BERLIN – The historic Town of New Berlin, celebrating its 200th birthday this year, will take on a decidedly ..

Libous announces highway grants

NORWICH – With many areas throughout New York State still recovering from flood damage and highway crews continuing to work ..

Back to school: Meet UV's new superintendent

NEW BERLIN – Getting to know staff, students, parents and how the climate of the school building functions are on top ..

Chenango Stories: Burton Kaplan

Growing up the youngest of three boys in the Bronx, one local musician says he thought he was destined to ..

Performance poetry competition features current, two-time national champion

NORWICH – As thousands gather in Norwich’s parks in September to take in displays of art and music at Colorscape ..

Miss New York State Teen-Ager crowned in Norwich pageant

NORWICH – With dimmed lights and sparkling props, 28 young women from across New York took to the stage Saturday, ..

Norwich city schools head back to school with building project

NORWICH – Throughout the summer, teachers and school administrators have their work cut out for them in preparation for the ..

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Punching the Clock: Road warriors

Students Make A 'Big' Difference
Students make a 'Big' difference

Twins Celebrate Their 90th Birthday
Twins celebrate their 90th birthday

What Does It Take To Serve On A School Board?
What does it take to serve on a school board?

Gus Macker Takes Over Downtown Norwich For Year 12
Gus Macker takes over downtown Norwich for Year 12

Stanton's Sees A Run On Pumpkins
Stanton's sees a run on pumpkins

Norwich City Schools Head Back To School With Building Project
Norwich city schools head back to school with building project

District Wide Art Show Today
District wide art show today

Chenango Stories: Burton Kaplan
Chenango Stories: Burton Kaplan

BOCES To Break Ground On Building Project In May
BOCES to break ground on building project in May