Eric Davis 's Recent Stories

Muzzleloader 101

Firearms season has been here for a little over two weeks now. Some hunters have been fortunate to harvest a ..

Going public

This Saturday is probably the biggest day of the year for hunting in the Southern Zone of New York as ..

Crunch time

Opening day of the regular firearm season for deer and black bear is in 10 days. This can mean something ..

The Lowest of Lows

It was the first Monday morning of crossbow season and the wind was coming from the south. I decided to ..

Make the most of all the water

It appears that the rain doesn’t want to stop for more than a couple days this year. It pauses only ..

Outdoor Chenango: Cruising

This week should be the start of whitetail bucks thinking about the first doe that comes into estrous. As this ..

Learning the hard way

When I stop and think about how far I’ve come since the first year I deer hunted, I find myself ..

Early Duck Season

If you were not aware, New York is split into multiple zones not only for deer hunting but also for ..

It’s the Perfect Price

It seems like almost everything has a “national day.” From Pet Day to Ice Cream Cone Day to just about ..

Refreshed Fire Tower in Our Backyard

On Monday the NYSDEC Facebook page had a post about the reopening of the Berry Hill Fire Tower in McDonough. ..

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Outdoor Chenango: Respooling your fishing reels

Outdoor Chenango: Sometimes You Miss
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The Lowest Of Lows
The Lowest of Lows

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Outdoor Chenango: Fond Memories
Outdoor Chenango: Fond memories

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The good and the bad of the internet

Gearing Up For Toothy Fish
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Outdoor Chenango: Dress For Hunting Success
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