Eric Davis 's Recent Stories

Early bow season strategies

The first of October marks the beginning of archery season in the Southern Zone. This means that many hunters hit ..

Outdoor Chenango: More Deer Hunting?

One week ago, the NYSDEC announced that they are accepting public comments on a potential future “Holiday” deer hunt in ..

Outdoor Chenango: Getting off on the Right Foot

As with almost anything you discuss these days, the impacts of the pandemic are still being questioned and pondered. One ..

Outdoor Chenango: Gearing up for Geese (and Ducks)

Yesterday was the official beginning to the Fall Hunting Season in New York with squirrel, crow, and resident goose seasons ..

Fishing in the Jungle

August is usually the apex for the summer season when it comes to water temperature for bodies of water in ..

Outdoor Chenango: Some suggested reading

With summer bearing down on us and the heat forcing us to limit outdoor activity at times, you may find ..

The call for all

As I have written in the past, I am a volunteer with the conservation organization known as the NWTF (National ..

Outdoor Chenango: Catching Deep Largemouths

When it comes to patterning ambush predators, you need to think like them to guess where they might be hiding. ..

The different types of tuning

When you start looking into the world of archery and bow hunting, a term that pops up frequently is tuning. ..

The Complete Camping Tote

The first time I went camping with my wife and some of her family back when we were dating in ..

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Outdoor Chenango: Summer Kills: Water with No Oxygen

Gone Too Soon
Gone too soon

Meeting A Deer Hunting Legend
Meeting a deer hunting legend

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Outdoor Chenango: Making jerky on cold winter days

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Outdoor Chenango: Thinking ahead

Wading Through Waders
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Outdoor Chenango: Getting An Early Start
Outdoor Chenango: Getting an Early Start

Sometimes Taking A Chance Pays Off
Sometimes taking a chance pays off

Outdoor Chenango: Last Few Days
Outdoor Chenango: Last few days