Eric Davis 's Recent Stories

Outdoor Chenango: Arrows: Is heavy better?

I would probably say that more than 90-percent of bowhunters today solely focus on arrow speed when choosing their bow, ..

Outdoor Chenango: The complete camping tote

The first time I went camping with my wife and some of her family back when we were dating in ..

Outdoor Chenango: Less bites, more fun

Turkey season is almost over, walleye and pike seasons have begun, and everyone is outside doing yard work after waiting ..

Outdoor Chenango: My first turkey

When I started writing this column in the fall of 2018, I wrote a brief introduction/backstory about myself to explain ..

Outdoor Chenango: sometimes you miss

This past weekend I was a mentor for the Chenango County Youth Turkey Hunt as part of the special Youth ..

Outdoor Chenango: Mountain stream trout

In May of 2011 I found myself on a phone interview with researchers from Oregon State University for an opening ..

Turkey Decoys

On April 1, I was part of Safety Day for the Chenango County Youth Turkey Hunt at the Oxford Rod ..

Outdoor Chenango: Turkey Calls 101

With the Youth Turkey Hunt happening on April 22 and 23, then the regular season opening on May 1, it ..

Outdoor Chenango: The Number 10 Pinky

During the summer between my freshman and sophomore years of college I was invited by a high school friend, Todd, ..

Outdoor Chenango: Early Springtime Fishing

Once the ice is completely gone, fishermen get antsy to get on the lake. Depending on the species of fish ..

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Outdoor Chenango: Crunch Time

Outdoor Chenango: Gun Season Deer Hunting
Outdoor Chenango: Gun season deer hunting

A Great Agreement
A Great Agreement

Meeting A Deer Hunting Legend
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Turkey Decoy Tactics
Turkey decoy tactics

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Doing all the rights things can still go wrong

Outdoor Chenango: Better Late Than Never
Outdoor Chenango: Better late than never

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Outdoor Chenango: Flashbacks