Sarah Genter 's Recent Stories

Norwich Youth Bureau explores fees for non-contract towns

NORWICH — The City of Norwich Youth Bureau is looking into charging fees for individuals living outside of the municipalities ..

Arts Council Members' Exhibit to wrap up with closing reception

NORWICH ― The Chenango Arts Council will be wrapping up their annual Members' Exhibit with a closing reception at 5:30 ..

Broad Street United Methodist Church halfway to completing repairs

NORWICH — The Broad Street United Methodist Church has stood as a community icon for nearly 150 years, and a ..

The Place is shaping the future through youth support and services

NORWICH — The Place has spent another year furthering their mission to “provide programs and support to youth and families, ..

Last chance to get tickets to the 18th annual Fur Ball

NORWICH — The Chenango SPCA will be hosting the 18th annual Fur Ball from 7 to 11 p.m. on Saturday, ..

SUNY Morrisville Norwich Campus continues to invest in the future of Chenango County

NORWICH – Investing in the future is nothing new for the SUNY Morrisville Norwich Campus, located at 20 Conkey Avenue ..

Rogers 46th annual Winter Living Celebration sees over 700 attendees

SHERBURNE - The Friends of Rogers Environmental Education Center hosted their 46th annual Winter Living Celebration on Saturday, and the ..

Building the future: Achieve completes multi-million dollar facility project

NORWICH — Achieve didn’t wait for someone else to shape their future; they went out and built it themselves. Achieve is ..

Golden Artist Colors continues to invest in the arts, products, and employees

NEW BERLIN - Golden Artist Colors, Inc. has seen a successful year as an award-winning manufacturer of art supplies. The company ..

Chenango Health Department releases 'Childhood Chatter' podcast

CHENANGO COUNTY — The Chenango County Health Department recently began a childcare-centered podcast titled "Childhood Chatter" to help area residents ..

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Summer Concert Series continues with The Garcia Project

Barnes Brothers Building Apartments On Birdsall Street
Barnes brothers building apartments on Birdsall Street

Helping Hands To Host Giveaway Night Thursday
Helping Hands to host giveaway night Thursday

Bandera Alliance Serves Nearly 1,500 Meals On Christmas Day
Bandera Alliance serves nearly 1,500 meals on Christmas Day

City Of Norwich Asks For Community Input On Deer Management
City of Norwich asks for community input on deer management

Shinyribs Concert In The Park Cancelled
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Guernsey Library And Visions Credit Union Hosting Public “Financial Wellness Series”
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Common Council Presents Lifetime Achievement Award
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Local Committee Completes ‘World’s Largest High Chair’
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Upstate Renaissance Faire Celebrates First Opening In Norwich
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