Bob McNitt 's Recent Stories

A season of extremes

By Bob McNitt Unless you have some scorpion blood flowing through your veins, the past few Sahara-like midday temperatures made being ..

Sportfishing: From evolution to revolution

By Bob McNitt Sun Outdoors Writer A few weeks ago I got a call from a gentleman asking about an antique rod ..

The 'beast in the basement"

By Bob McNitt Two weeks have passed since much of our area was transformed into "Waterworld." While some flood-stricken victims may ..

The difference between good water and bad water

By Bob McNitt Outdoors Writer There’s the old saying that “if you get bucked off a horse, the best thing to do ..

The dangers of 'flood prevention'

By Bob McNitt Outdoors Writer The soggy events of recent days is a liquid reminder that nature can, at any time, inundate ..

Learning to live with bears

By Bob McNitt Outdoors Writer Earlier this week, Dr. Richard Jorgensen and his wife awoke at 5 a.m. to noises coming from ..

Will catch and release catch on?

By Bob McNitt Oudoors Columnist With bass and musky seasons opening this Saturday, it completes the open seasons for all game fish ..

Surf and turf opps abound in Oneida Lake area

By Bob McNitt Outdoors Columnist The middle of last month saw Oneida Lake "visited" by a large contingency of outdoor key-punchers (aka ..

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Nice derby weather brought anglers out in droves

Senate Puts Microstamping Bill To Bed Permanently
Senate puts microstamping bill to bed permanently

Can The Governor Dip Into The ‘dedicated’ Conservation Fund Now?
Can the governor dip into the ‘dedicated’ Conservation Fund now?

Fulton County Hosts Flock Of Writers
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2007:  The Year That Was Anything But Normal
2007: The year that was anything but normal

Squirrel Hunting Is For All Ages
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Small Game Hunting Looms Large Starting Tomorrow
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Like It Or Not, Deer Need To Be Managed
Like it or not, deer need to be managed

DEC’s Arrogance Could Be Warning Of Things To Come
DEC’s arrogance could be warning of things to come

'Non-winter' Good For Some, Bad For Others
'Non-winter' good for some, bad for others