Did you read the other day that the Aussies are going to ban logos on cigarettes? And no longer ..
About this election. This guy you plan to vote for. Have you read any books about him? Completely through? Have ..
Let us not kid ourselves. If our economy was a patient the doctors would be worried. Here are a few notes ..
The President took us on a journey this week. He took us back to our founding. To the arguments made ..
If you do not live in a “swing state” the candidates for the White House don’t want to know ..
President Clinton is hauling in big bucks from speaking these days. Last year he made $13,400,000 by giving 54 speeches. ..
Hail the conquering cheater! Young people, pay homage to this week’s heroes. Emulate them. Follow in their footsteps. Learn to cheat ..
Hot off the press Humorist Will Rogers often said he had the perfect source for his jokes. The newspaper. (As well ..
Is this country exceptional? Are Americans exceptional? Yes and no, I believe. Pundits debate the question of American exceptionalism. They have ..
Consider what a fairy tale world we live in. A world in which so many folks pretend. Politicians pretend to hate ..