Tom Morgan 's Recent Stories

Big Brother is watching

Tidy your house. Stash the beer cans. Guess who is stopping by without notice? Your big brother. If you say ..

An insult to the concept

Stand by ... to be insulted. More than once. Our President told us this week that workers in Ohio and elsewhere ..

Welcome to the permanent campaign

I expect somebody to announce he or she is running for the White House. When? The day after we inaugurate ..

Things in common

What do these things have in common? Social Security Disability. Windmills. Food Stamps. A state’s low taxes. Big contributions to ..

We have gotten awfully regal

Maybe it’s my imagination. But we seem to have gotten awfully regal in this country. That’s what came to mind ..

Viewed through women’s lenses

Suppose you run for the White House. And suppose one evening during the campaign you address 10,000 voters. Your advisors tell ..

Is it a right?

Here is a good question that arose during the Supreme Court presentations on Obamacare. Is healthcare a right? You know, ..

An equally monumental issue

Sure, the Supreme Court’s decision is important. But … Obviously the court’s decision on Obamacare will be monumental. Because it deals ..

The Dumb File

Dumb stuff seems to be in the air lately. First, a big earthquake in Mexico draws attention to the Obamas’ daughter. ..

It hinges on gas price

Do you ever wonder what our founding fathers would think of today’s presidential elections? How would you explain to Thomas ..

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Difficult to argue against

You Can Bet On China’s Future
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What We Don’t Believe
What we don’t believe

Why Do You Suppose This Is?
Why do you suppose this is?

The Calamity Crowd
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We All Have A Problem
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Thanks For Our Constitution
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Some Strange People
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Viewed Through Women’s Lenses
Viewed through women’s lenses

We Didn’t Get Our Wheaties!
We didn’t get our Wheaties!