Tom Morgan 's Recent Stories


‘Tis disappointing. This habit we have. Of picking apart the details of what candidates promise us during their campaigns.  First, why ..

US vs. French hospitals

 You might be surprised at what I found in a few hospitals recently. My wife spent time in a large ..

Is there a God?

If you ever doubt there is a god, just watch what some of our politicians get up to. They have ..

A Ponzi scheme

Governor Perry dared to blurt that the Emperor is strutting around in the buff. The gov had the audacity to ..

Promising to create jobs

Can you think of any politician who is not promising he or she will create jobs? The President promises to create ..

A major game changer?

This may be a major game changer. Why does Al Gore rant? To make money, for sure. But also to warn ..

545 People

This guy poses a few questions you might enjoy chewing on.  He is Charlie Reese. He recently wrote his last ..

A question for you

A question for you: What is the primary objective of a company in America? According to a recent Rasmussen survey, two-thirds ..

Does anyone In Washington pay attention?

Does anyone in Washington pay attention to what has come before? This week we learned the administration plans to strengthen the ..


Progress?  Perhaps. You may recall I recently wrote that there are clear signs that genuine reform lies ahead. This week, President ..

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