Tom Morgan 's Recent Stories

These hilarious attacks

These attacks on the Tea Party are hilarious. For instance, the Vice-President and his cronies call the Tea Party folks ..

These hilarious attacks

These attacks on the Tea Party are hilarious. For instance, the Vice-President and his cronies call the Tea Party folks ..

Like a Dutch Uncle

Many years ago a couple asked me to play Dutch Uncle to them. To advise them. They had gone bankrupt ..

Missing a golden opportunity

Liberals in this country are missing a golden opportunity. That thought came when I read an article in the Wall Street ..

Soap opera season in Washington

Maybe the soap operas have disappeared from television. And maybe they have not. The posturing over the debt ceiling negotiations ..

Does he see the disconnect?

 Last year the teacher/admin guy who heads up athletics gave me a tour of an addition to his school. New ..

A curious period

A curious period for us. A period which is creating the next group of leaders. Most historians speak of how the ..

Through new lenses

Here is a question we the people ought to debate often. In fact, it is rarely raised. Politicians avoid the ..

Your own lyin’ eyes

The scandal over Congressman Weiner’s perversions stirs up lots of questions. Especially for people who feel he should not have ..

Powerful presence

Charisma. The candidates announcing they will run brings to mind the matter of charisma. And the mystery of why some ..

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The Courage To Tackle The Left
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Why Such Resistance?
Why such resistance?

The Man Is A Lunatic
The man is a lunatic

Missing Leadership?
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The Wheels Seem To Be Coming Off
The wheels seem to be coming off

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Celebrate Gutlessness!
Celebrate gutlessness!