Tom Morgan 's Recent Stories

The Age Of Uncertainty

Let us christen this the Age of Uncertainty. And let us take comfort in that. No one avoids uncertainties, of course. ..

Governed by elitists

Do you doubt we are governed by elitists? Perhaps this will persuade you otherwise. Congressguys left Washington to campaign. Without acting on ..

They set it up that way

A New York politician got caught messing with the state pension fund. Here is how it affects you. No matter ..

Bomb lobbing

Two items this week reminded me of bomb lobbing. One item happened to be about the Sun’s activity.  The other ..

A good (bad) example

Here is a good example of how corrupt many of our politicians have become. This serves too as an indicator ..

Singing praises to failure

The recent moves by Cuba remind me of a sad fact. Millions of people all over this country love to ..

Zero praise?

Lots of the November candidates are promising to re-open the question of Obamacare if they get to Congress. Some want ..

All this jabber

All this jabber about the Bush tax cuts begs a few questions. They are questions that should be obvious. Nobody ..

Cheer Up!

Cheer up. That is the message this week in case you feel pessimistic. People and the media fling gloomy news at ..

Regular Folks

If these times tell us anything, they suggest we could do with more regular folks in power.  As opposed to ..

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The age of fairy tales

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Another Great Depression?
Another Great Depression?


Regular Folks
Regular Folks

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Fifty - Fifty
Fifty - Fifty