Tom Morgan 's Recent Stories

Buckle Up!

Buckle up. That is a decent message to read into this week’s tea leaves. The road ahead may not be ..

Far be it from me

As you know, tax cuts are red meat to both sides of the political spectrum. They really should be less ..

The Handlers

Will we ever dispose of the plastic that shields our top political figures? This came to mind when President Obama ..

Predicting destiny from our DNA

You think your youngsters have the potential to be a certain something or achieve a certain thing?  Forget it. It ..

Good advice

A word of caution. When you hear investment advice from a bobbing head on TV, take it with a grain ..

You ain't gonna like it

Congressmen, here is an answer to your question. You ain’t gonna like it. Last week the majority and minority leaders of ..

Ticked off? You bet!

Ticked off? You bet! That ought to be the slogan for this period in America. For, in case you’ve missed it, lots ..

The wheels seem to be coming off

The wheels seem to be coming off this president’s administration. That is not always a good thing. His budget guy has quit. ..

They should pass a budget

Congress reminds me of a couple who asked me to advise them on their finances. They had already gone bankrupt ..

A word of caution

A word of caution. When you hear investment advice from a bobbing head on TV, take it with a grain ..

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'Tis the season

 Image. Image. Image.
Image. Image. Image.

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Don’t Confuse Me With Facts
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