Tom Morgan 's Recent Stories

Seeking some good advice

Countless columnists and commentators tell you to do it yourself. When it comes to investing, that is. Do it yourself. You ..

One fat question

There is a mountain of questions concerning this Sestak affair, the possible felony at the White House? And like the ..

Where I disagree with her

We have to expect this. The President’s opponents will look for ammo to use to oppose Elena Kagan for the ..

Inclusive of what?

We should expand the Supreme Court. I am serious. We should add another 100 justices. Tack an addition onto the ..

‘Tis a mystery to me

‘Tis a mystery to me why so much of mainstream media follows the lemmings over the cliff. Major newspapers have bled ..

The Invasion

So Arizona is doing something about the invasion of folks from Mexico and Central America. And the laws they plan ..

Oh boy!

Oh boy. Now we are going to have lots of Wall Street reform. We’ve had a few made-for-tv congressional hearings. ..

Getting under their skin

This Tea Party movement is getting under the skin of lots of folks. It should. In theory it should. The theory ..

This is for real

You may have seen a prediction here that you would soon face more taxes. Well, that prediction is about to come ..

Carbon policy

If government keeps pursuing its carbon policy it could backfire. That is because sooner or later an awkward little item ..

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