Tom Morgan 's Recent Stories

A disturbing story

A friend told me a disturbing story the other day. “I snuck into America last week. Yup. Got off a plane ..

Avoiding financial scams

How do we avoid suffering these big financial scams?  Like the Bernie Madoff ripoff. People ask me that all the ..

Minority rule

The healthcare debate should remind you of a trend in this country. One that is downright dangerous to society’s health. More ..

So where are we?

So where are we in this recovery? A listener to my radio show asked me that question. Now, I could have had ..

Some Random Thoughts

Some random thoughts:  1. “Global warming.”  “Climate change.”  Are these scientific issues?  Or are they political issues? They are both. But they ..

The Unraveling

The global warming story is unraveling. Mainstream media ignored the story. But Fox and other media have covered it: Hackers ..

We didn’t get our Wheaties!

Sure looks like this recovery may be puny. Because we did not feed the economy the Wheaties it deserved. Last week ..


Maybe the best way to look at the health care bill is to ask questions.  And the best question I ..

Bouillabaisse of Bribes

Hey, I picked up the check for dinner last time. This one is yours. It’s only $60,000. Why so much? ..


If you ever run out of chuckles you only need to see what Congress is up to to fill up ..

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Like a Dutch Uncle

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Experienced, Gutsy Americans
Experienced, gutsy Americans

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A Rhinoceros Powdering Her Horn In The Bathroom
A rhinoceros powdering her horn in the bathroom

An Equally Monumental Issue
An equally monumental issue

The Medicine We Will Be Denied
The medicine we will be denied