Tom Morgan 's Recent Stories

Confused about healthcare?

Does this healthcare stuff confuse you?  Welcome to the club. It is not just the details. They must confuse even the ..

Enemies Czar!

We clearly need another czar in the White House. The stack of work that is waiting for this czar grows taller ..

‘Tis A Puzzlement

This has been a puzzle to me for 50 years: So many Americans fall in love with communist thugs.  They did ..

Be warned

Be warned. Normally, I do not recommend investments one way or the other in this column. But lately I see a ..

Outer edges of the spectrum

This kerfuffle over the woman track star from South Africa? The one who may be a hermaphrodite. It brought to ..

Changing the subject

Suppose you and I discuss education. I disagree with what you say. “Communist!” I sing out. “You’re a damned communist, ..

Why such resistance?

A few reasons why the President’s healthcare proposals have met such resistance. 1. Most folks like what they have. (Sorry to ..

Poll numbers

You have no doubt read the President’s poll numbers have plunged.  There is little mystery why this is. The plunge has ..

A plan in trouble

The healthcare plan from the President and Congress is clearly in trouble. There is a simple reason why this is ..

Ready for a little insult?

Are you ready for a little insult? Your lawmakers are junketing again.  They are flying off to romantic places, often with ..

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Why Such Resistance?
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The Roman Weslowski Bulletin Board

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