Tom Morgan 's Recent Stories

What macabre entertainmant

What macabre entertainment it has been to watch Nancy Pelosi squirm.  Every time a reporter asks her what she knew ..

Count me in!

I am signing up with the global warming crowd. You are right.  This makes me a turncoat. For years I have been ..

Only half a loaf

If you watch one of the big networks for most of your news you are getting only half a loaf.  ..

As unexpected as the sunrise

The latest scandal was as unexpected as the sunrise. Some birds have been indicted for paying bribes to get their ..

Three items today

Three items today: Bonuses at outfits that take government money.  Squeeze those rich folks.  And look! Republicans offer a sensible ..

We all have a problem

President Obama has a problem. We all have a problem. We also have a partial solution. The problem is money. We do not have ..

Raw, nasty power

This week we have seen raw, nasty power. We have seen the very reason why we have a constitution for ..

What we don’t need

Greenspan covering his backside.  That is one of the things we do not need right now.  Every other day he ..

The rest of the story

Two stories about Paul Harvey, the radio giant who died recently.  They each say something about his impact.  They each ..

Keep up your support payments!

This gal who had the eight babies is one of the smartest people in town. She is! As you have read ..

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