Tom Morgan 's Recent Stories

Robins romping

Omigod!  It is like spotting the robins romping in the snow.  We can see a few glimmerings of hope in ..

Selling isn't a dirty word

Millions of people scoff at it. Millions deride it. People who do it are often a bit ashamed of admitting same. So they ..

The Bulltweedie Hall of Fame

What are we to make of all these birds who cannot win appointment to Washington jobs because they tried to ..


Congress guys remind me of a salesman my father had to contend with in his grocery store. “Should I put you ..

Time out, please

Time out, please.  A few questions seem in order. The guy who is slated to become our next attorney general was ..

Eating our lunch?

Somebody is always going to eat our lunch.  Last few years the lunch-munchers were the Chinese.  The news magazines and various ..

History repeating itself

 Evidence continues to mount that history is doing its thing again.  It is repeating itself. I refer to the religion of ..

We couldn’t possibly do without!

The predicament of states like New York and California reminds me of a couple who came to see me about ..

A comedy routine

The auto bailout mess reminds me of a comedy routine.  Peter Cook and Dudley Moore did it years ago.  Moore ..

IOUs for your 401K?

Is Congress going to take away your 401k?  Perhaps.  And if it does, the reasons it offers may shade the ..

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Time Out, Please
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Leave It For The Night Crew
Leave it for the night crew