Steven and Cokie Roberts 's Recent Stories

Blessed are the majority makers

As lawmakers begin their August recess, the airwaves back home are filled with ads arguing all sides of the healthcare ..

Don’t ask, don’t tell, don’t wait

Dan Choi was a career army officer, a combat veteran, a fluent Arabic speaker. In March, he announced he was ..

Why do guys have to be guys?

Who knew the now-infamous C Street House could serve as the set for “Sex and the City”? The titillating tales ..

What mentors do

When Sonia Sotomayor was a law student, she told a professor that her career goal was to be a federal ..

Not-so-lame ducks

What’s so bad about lame ducks? It’s one of the many questions Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin raised when she ..

Happy anniversary, Title IX! Now what?

Lost in all the eye-popping news of last week was an event the Obama administration hoped would garner good press: ..

‘Only I’m the president’

White House press conferences are often pallid and pre-scripted affairs. But President Obama’s occasionally testy exchange with reporters this ..

Studies in friendship

The success of “The Girls from Ames,” the best-selling book about the 40-year friendship of a group of women ..

Sonia from the block

In her now-famous speech at the University of California in 2001, Judge Sonia Sotomayor probably made a political mistake. She ..

Obama must mind the gaps

In the London Underground, a recorded voice warns travelers to “mind the gap” between an incoming train and the station ..

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