Steven and Cokie Roberts 's Recent Stories

Turning the page on 9/11

If one theme sums up President Obama’s first extended foreign trip, it is this: The era defined by 9/11 is ..

The playing field is still tilted

When President Obama recently announced the formation of a White House Council on Women and Girls, he caught heat from ..

Praising the president’s friends

Let us now praise five Republicans who are placing the country’s economic interests ahead of their party’s political interests. The ..

A bad wind blowing

The ugly odor of protectionism is wafting through Washington, and President Obama should shut it off before it gets stronger. The ..

Obama campaigns to govern

Brenda Earvin joined 1,700 residents of Elkhart, Ind., who crammed into a high-school auditorium this week to hear President Barack ..

Beware of good friends bearing gifts

Are we all suckers? Like most Americans, we grumble at the size of our tax bills, but we pay them. Now, ..

Bush fumbles, Obama recovers

President Bush does not admit mistakes very often, so it’s worth paying attention when he does. And as he leaves ..

Score one for the first lady

Vast areas of the Pacific Ocean will be protected as national monuments, thanks to an 11th-hour proclamation by President Bush. ..

A hard year ahead

Here’s a New Year’s resolution that can be summed up in two words: Fight hunger. The economic crisis is crushing the ..

Heading off a national disaster

Rosa is a senior at George Washington University (where Steve teaches). Her father, a dockworker who speaks little English, lost ..

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Women Are Still Waiting
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Open The Gate For The Next Gates
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Romney Can Count, But Can He Connect?
Romney can count, but can he connect?

Run, Ladies, Run
Run, ladies, run

Cursed With The Senate Gene
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The Crowded Media Marketplace
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Why Obama Failed On Syria
Why Obama failed on Syria

Giving Food This Season
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Obama Campaigns To Govern
Obama campaigns to govern

No Witch Hunts, No Cover-ups
No witch hunts, no cover-ups