Steven and Cokie Roberts 's Recent Stories

Wanted: Authenticity in Iraq

Authenticity. That’s what the YouTubers said they were trying to elicit when they submitted video questions for the Democratic debate. ..

Battling for Bush’s heart and mind

“Winning hearts and minds” is an ancient cliche in Washington. During the Cold War, it meant convincing folks in places ..

Who will cry for you?

According to the Pew Research Center, the percentage of Americans who consider children to be “very important for a successful ..

The kindness of strangers

NEW ORLEANS – It looks better. It really does. No longer do you see cars on top of houses, boats ..

None of the above

The Doug Marlette cartoon shows a huge billboard hawking the slogan, “NONE OF THE ABOVE 2008.” A woman driving by ..

The Powell factor

Colin Powell confirmed on “Meet the Press” that he twice met with Barack Obama to discuss foreign and defense issues. ..

‘The Woman From Park Ridge’

Coming soon to a Web site, campaign rally or TV interview near you: “The Woman From Park Ridge.” Americans want a ..

The lost art of compromise

Sen. Jon Kyl has done something very rare in Washington today. Compromise. Last fall, the Arizona Republican was re-elected on a ..

Run, ladies, run

They will come by the tens of thousands. They will be young and old, women and men. They will be ..

Don’t listen to labor on trade

Years ago, a labor leader explained to us why his union opposed free-trade pacts. “You have to understand,” he said, ..

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Turning the page on 9/11

Cops Know Firsthand The Urgency Of Gun Control
Cops know firsthand the urgency of gun control

Time For Grownups
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Time To Tell The Truth About Taxes And Benefits
Time to tell the truth about taxes and benefits

Who Will Cry For You?
Who will cry for you?

Romney Can Count, But Can He Connect?
Romney can count, but can he connect?

Oversight In Action: A Credit To Congress
Oversight in action: A credit to Congress

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Lubricating The Legislative Process
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Hezbollah Is Still There
Hezbollah is still there