Steven and Cokie Roberts 's Recent Stories

Rudy’s new best friend

So why is Rudy Giuliani – a thrice-married, pro-choice, Italian Catholic from New York – the leading candidate in a ..

The ‘agents of intolerance’ return

What role should faith play in American politics? How compatible is orthodox religion with the practical functioning of democracy? Those questions ..

Getting tough with China

It’s time to get tough with China. On issue after issue – human rights, trade, Darfur, Iran – the leaders ..

Warming up to Hillary

Last spring, we gave a party honoring a friend who had written a book. The buzz among the guests was ..

A gathering consensus on health care

Here’s the good news: Health care has emerged as the leading domestic issue in the presidential election. Finally, candidates are ..

No witch hunts, no cover-ups

Sen. Larry Craig blamed the Idaho Statesman for conducting a “witch hunt” into his private life and triggering his downfall. ..

No cronies need apply

In 1975, President Gerald Ford named Edward H. Levi, the president of the University of Chicago, as attorney general. Eulogizing ..

The sound of a lame duck quacking

Of course George Bush is a lame duck. His poll numbers are dreadful, a hostile Democratic leadership runs Congress and ..

Plantations and log cabins

Mitt Romney is a very rich man. According to financial forms released this week and reported in major newspapers, the ..

The kids are counting on Congress

SALINAS, Calif. – Dr. Pablo Romero’s clinic is filled with the happy sounds of healthy kids and pregnant moms – ..

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Beware Of Good Friends Bearing Gifts
Beware of good friends bearing gifts

For Hillary Clinton, It’s Now Up To Women
For Hillary Clinton, it’s now up to women

Politics Can Wait, Family Can’t
Politics can wait, family can’t

Time For Grownups
Time for grownups

Hezbollah Is Still There
Hezbollah is still there

The New American Family
The New American Family

Sonia From The Block
Sonia from the block

Think Like An Immigrant
Think like an immigrant

All Of The Above
All of the above

It’s OK For Superman To Cry
It’s OK for Superman to cry