Steven and Cokie Roberts 's Recent Stories

Who is a journalist and why does it matter?

Who is a journalist? That's not a question limited to college classes, like the one Steve teaches on media ethics ..

Why Obama failed on Syria

While a lot about Syria remains unsettled, one fact is clear: President Obama has failed to convince the public, and ..

The epidemic of distracted driving

Many high school students returning to classes this fall will find a new topic added to their curriculum: the dangers ..

Filling the fertility gap

MONTERCHI, ITALY – It was a lovely summer evening. Large families filled the terrace at La Pieve Vecchio, a restaurant ..

How a true democracy operates

Cokie's mother, Lindy Claiborne Boggs, was born on a plantation in the segregated south before women could vote. When she ..

Loving strangers, courting votes

Republicans have long portrayed themselves as the party of faith, and religious practice is a reliable indicator of political behavior. ..

One last chance for democracy

Can democracy survive when voters choose a government that destroys democratic values and institutions? That's the critical question posed by ..

The virtues of diversity

It was graduation weekend at George Washington University, where Steve has taught for the last 23 years. At a brunch ..

Fixing Fox News – and the GOP

Roger Ailes, the head of Fox News Channel, is a very smart man. And he knows how to count, a ..

Obama rallies supporters

“We must act,” President Obama declared in his inaugural address. A critical part of his strategy is harnessing the energy ..

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Storefronts instead of high rises

Surviving The Media Primary
Surviving the media primary

Charges Of Polling Bias Hint At Desperation
Charges of polling bias hint at desperation

Obama Stacking Up Well Against Romney
Obama stacking up well against Romney

Government Is Us, Not Them
Government is us, not them

The Golden Grads Come Home
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No Cronies Need Apply
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The Kindness Of Strangers
The kindness of strangers

Slips And Blips Don’t Decide Elections
Slips and blips don’t decide elections

Cops Know Firsthand The Urgency Of Gun Control
Cops know firsthand the urgency of gun control