Steven and Cokie Roberts 's Recent Stories

Cops know firsthand the urgency of gun control

When members of the Newtown police force entered the school auditorium where President Obama was about to speak, the crowd ..

It’s time to jettison rigid party pledges

“The only pledge I’d sign is a pledge to sign no more pledges.” That bit of wisdom came from Rep. ..

The New American Family

We all know the famous Norman Rockwell painting of a typical American family gathered around Grandma as she serves up ..

Time to tell the truth about taxes and benefits

Both candidates for president failed to tell the truth about the biggest issues facing the country: spending, taxes and deficits. Every ..

Charges of polling bias hint at desperation

Are the polls biased in Barack Obama’s favor? Are the news media conspiring to rig the election for the president? Looking ..

Women are flexing their political muscle

This really is the Year of the Woman. We know, you’ve heard this all before. But consider these numbers: More women ..

Romney’s trust problem

The most important word in American politics is trust. And that’s why Barack Obama is maintaining a slight lead over ..

Why the President’s stories matter

Barack Obama was reflecting recently on what he’s learned as president. At first, he told CBS, he thought “this job ..

Shine a light on political donations

Here’s a simple idea that both parties should agree on: disclosure. Anybody who contributes money to influence an election — ..

On the side of love

Our friend Barney is getting married. That’s hardly newsworthy — this is the wedding season, after all — except for ..

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