Jim Mullen 's Recent Stories

Going paperless - priceless!

For months, a large retailer emailed me twice a day, begging me to switch from paper billing to online billing. ..

Should bad behavior be rewarded?

When money managers are asked why they deserve tens of millions of dollars for pushing around other people’s money, the ..

Perplexing problems of the rich & famous

No doubt you shook your head when you heard that Tiger Woods’ ex-wife, Elin Nordegren, tore down a $12 million ..

Do these glasses make my gut look big?

There’s nothing like a visit to the optometrist to make you feel old. I’m already wearing trifocals – for distance on ..

So many movies, so little time

Why do all the movies that you want to see open the week between Christmas and New Year’s? And by ..

More expensive by the dozen

I just got a shirt back from the laundry today. $6.75. When did the price jump from $2.25 a shirt ..

The View from the bottom

Have you noticed that almost every new daytime TV show wants to be a version of “The View”? You can ..

In one year and out the other

Have you made your New Year’s resolutions yet? Me neither. What’s the big rush? And what’s the connection between New ..

Deer know when it's time to skedaddle

Deer-hunting season has started. I know, because of the complete and total absence of deer. The herd of seven that ..

TGI Black Friday

I stuffed an extra bottle of pepper spray in my coat pocket and patted myself down to make sure I ..

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2012 Olympics: Beach Volleyball Blowout
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