Jim Mullen 's Recent Stories

Planning for the long-term – tomorrow

Bob was not happy. He’d just gotten back from a meeting with his stockbroker, the guy who manages his 401(k). “He’s, ..

Don't be the turkey this Thanksgiving

Here’s the problem with Thanksgiving: Unless you’re the host, you have to travel. If you’re lucky, you won’t have to spend ..

Musings on puffery, partners and Playboy

Looking for a movie to go see, I checked out the ads. A blurb for one movie said it was ..

The not-so-ungrateful dead

I am a morning person. I hop out of bed before the alarm rings, make coffee, read the paper, listen ..

Reading this will make you thin and happy!

Lots of people think subliminal advertising means that advertisers get us to buy their products by secretly inserting in their ..

The Seven Secrets of Success

Would you like to make the big bucks writing a self-help book on how to be successful? Here are seven ..

It's tough living off the grid

We recently spent six days without power, and the experience has left me with a new respect for the pioneers. Was ..

How not to clean the house

“I’ve got to run. We have guests coming, and you know what that means.” I did know what my friend Joe ..

Man's best fiend

“Down, Tiny, down!” my cousin Ralph snapped at his beloved pet. The dog had its front legs on my shoulders ..

When it comes to movies, men can't help it

The Saturday night neighborhood gathering was winding down. Too many hamburgers and too much potato salad had weighed down the ..

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Confessions Of A Card Shark
Confessions of a card shark

I Tweet, Therefore I Yammer
I tweet, therefore I yammer

Five Billionth In Line For The Throne
Five billionth in line for the throne

Junk Jalopy Is Smart Buy For Parents
Junk jalopy is smart buy for parents

Taste Never Takes A Vacation
Taste never takes a vacation

You Say Magenta, I Say Vermillion
You say magenta, I say vermillion

In One Year And Out The Other
In one year and out the other

Lose Money At Home In Your Spare Time!
Lose money at home in your spare time!

Life’s A Gamble
Life’s a gamble

The Ghost Of Christmas Parties Past
The Ghost of Christmas Parties Past