Sue is not a morning person. She’s not a noon person. Doesn’t really like the late afternoons much either. She ..
Our server at the Ciao Down Cafe has just placed a little, shallow dish of olive oil and a basket ..
The early computer pioneer Alan Turing thought a good test of a computer’s intelligence would be if you couldn’t tell ..
A few years ago, there was a news story about a guy who started selling bottled water for dogs. I ..
The guy who sued his dry cleaner for $54 million for losing a pair of pants has been quite an ..
I ran into Louise, a friend I hadn’t seen in many years. While she and I caught up with each ..
Heard anything about that new Harry Potter book? Oh yeah, I forgot, that’s all we’ve heard about for three months. ..
I called my friend Tammy in Texas to tell her the exciting news – that Lindsay Lohan had been arrested ..
After I cruised the grocery-store parking lot for ten minutes, a spot finally opened up. I had pulled halfway in ..
I called my cable company to see if they could fix a problem with my line. “And what is the ..