Jim Mullen 's Recent Stories

The not-so-perfect holiday

Before Christmas rolls around, you’ll probably read 50 different recipes for making the “perfect turkey” in newspapers and magazines. You’ll ..

The gift of gas

With oil close to $100 a barrel and Christmas right around the corner, gasoline may turn out to be this ..

Hair today, gone tomorrow

“Did you just wake up?” asked Ralph from behind the counter as he poured out my breakfast coffee. “No.” “Something looks different. ..

Confessions of a card shark

There’s an entire aisle in my supermarket dedicated to greeting cards. There are so many cards it makes you wonder ..

And the Nobel Prize for hair and makeup goes to ...

Two guys just won a Nobel Prize for inventing a way to pack more data onto computer hard disks. If ..

Let’s take a holiday from the holidays

Each year the retailers start pushing the holidays on us earlier and earlier. This year, the ads started showing up ..

Hannah Mon-mania

What luck! “Hannah Montana,” is coming to your town for a live concert and you’ve got a daughter or two ..

The unquestionable integrity* of sportswriters

The sportswriters said he was surly and egotistical. He doesn’t deserve a baseball batting record. If he breaks the record, ..

Doc diagnoses chronic case of embarrassment

When Dr. Sam said, “You’ve got the prostate of a man half your age,” it was hard to keep from ..

‘Leaf’ the sight-seeing to the tourists

We have been stuck behind Mr. and Mrs. Leaf Peeper for 45 minutes. Sue and I are on our way ..

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